Donate and help us carry out our programs
Through working with established women and youth groups, our overhead costs are low thus ensuring that project funding reaches the people who truly need assistance. Because of our long-standing commitment, we have been able to ensure that every dollar raised goes directly into program implementation.
We invite you to donate to a worthy cause either as an institution or individual. Please find our programs and activities both ongoing and completed here, on our website. Please also feel free to contact us any time for any further details required or suggestions you would like us to hear.
We thank you in advance for your support!
Become a Research Partner & help us avail research capacity to those who need it most!
SHeSA was set up to do research and offer support to researchers, in addition to carrying out intervention projects. SHeSA has a vibrant network of farmer groups, government agencies, scientists and others doing various food security and nutrition activities in the field in western Kenya, and researchers can link to this network.
Get in touch and help alleviate poverty, empower economic growth and restore human dignity in rural Africa
Become a Volunteer!
SHeSA hosts students and researchers from local (Kenyan) universities, and internationally from Europe and the USA, who are attached to us for a number of months for field experience required for graduation, and/or to gather data for a project. They are assisted by our able field staff to collect data and other research fieldwork. So far, SHeSA has mentored 42 interns: 19 male and 23 female, from Kenya and abroad.